Wednesday, May 26, 2010

2 Months Old

Still can't believe he is 2 months old. Time is flying.
He is still being a great sleeper at night, we manage to get 7 to 8 hours straight which is just amazing. but i'm sure it wont last!
We Headed of to the Helath nurse yesterday. All is very well, except the poor little guy still has a bit of a cold. He now weighs 6.52Kg and is 59cm long.

It is so hard to get him to smile when i take photos. The moment i put
the camera down he decides it is smile time and will do the BIGGEST smiles.

We are having family diner here on Friday night with Ry's family. Just need to decide what to cook....
We are then heading off to Geelong on saturday to see "great Aunty Jo". Sounds so funny calling her Great Aunty as she is so young!
Well we have given Campbell a Dummy this week. Not a lot but he is comtinously looking for food, well more something to suck on as he spits the milk. Its has made a big improvement. He actually goes 3 to 4 hours between feeds now not 1 to 2 hours.
I have finally managed to start sorting all of Campbell's photo's. He is 2 months old and already i have around 800 photos of him. Between us, nannies and his aunty kelly he is going to hate cameras by the age of 1.
Think it has something to do with him not smiling when a camera comes out.

This is my FAVOURITE pic of Campbell. I wasn't going to give him his Maracca's till he was a little better at holding things but once he has them he loves it. It has realised if he moves they make noises. He was so pleased with himself.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


So i have decided that i am going to starting making invitations again. I had a ball doing it prior to Campbell and thought it would be a good little project for me to have something of my own.

I have done about 5 different types for people in the past and have starting having a play to get some more ideas...

These are my two favourite that i have made, One was for a wedding and the other was just me playing around with an idea for my hubby's birthday.

Monday, May 17, 2010

What day is it...

I have completly lost track of the days now. If it wasnt for Ryan being home on the weekend i wouldnt have a clue.

Campbell is continuing to surprise me everyday, the little smiles and beautiful noise he makes just melt my heart. I fall more and more in love with him everyday.

We had a wonderful week last week. We went and had lunch with Ry for his birthday, Ry just loves to show him off to everyone. He just lights up when he sees Campbell. After lunch we head of to Marie and Terry's so they could meet the little guy. Marie was so surprised to see us.

Campbell has started to sleep through the nights now. He has his last bottle at 10pm and sleeps till some time after 5am. This morning he even made it till 6.30pm.
I finally managed to get a couple of photos of Campbell smiling. It only too 3 days and about a thousand photos but i got there.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Time is flying

Still cant believe that tomorrow my little man will be 7 weeks old.

We have had a LONG last 24 hours with him not wanting to sleep at all inless he is being held. Poor Ry and I are a little bit testy right now.

Tomorrow is our big man's Birthday

Monday, May 10, 2010

Busy, busy, busy

We had such a full on weekend, but it was a nice weekend.

Firstly on Saturday we headed down to Romsey to see my Mum and Dad. We had a lovely lunch and mum loved her new tigger PJ's. Everyone had lots of cuddles and I saw my 3 neices - Madeline, Tegan and Chloe - who are all growing up to quickly.

Then on Sunday we headed out for lunch at Eastland with Ry's mum and family. Lunch was lovely except for the hour long wait for lunch.
Poor Campbell got so out of routine, we were already for bed at 8pm last night.

Friday, May 7, 2010

First Sleep in my Big Bed

Campbell has been sleeping in his bassinet since he came home, but i thought it was time to see how he sleeps in his big bed. So far he is loving it, he has been down for an hour and not a single peep out of him...

He looks so little in the cot.

My Litlle Man

Thought i would finally put some more pics up.

Campbell 1 hour old

Campbell 2 days old - Cheeky Grin already
Mum and Campbell having cuddle - 2 days old
First day home - 28th March 3 days old
Campbell and Dad having a cuddle - 2nd April 8 days old

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy 6 Weeks Campbell

It still feels like yesterday that I was holding Campbell for the first time. And now he is SIX weeks old.
I cant explain just how much I love the little guy. So many people had said to me that the feeling is impossible to explain and they are so right.
I am enjoying being a mother more then I can explain. I was so worried in the last few weeks of my pregnancy that I wouldnt have all of the motherly instinct, but i really feel like I have taken to this like a duck to water.
Campbell and I went for our six week check today. He is growing so quickly. Everything was perfect, just keep on doing what we are.
Hopefully he will learn to sleep through the night soon! Lucky for me he does only get up once.

Will be back to put up some photos shortly

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What a day...

Well we are now coming up to the 6 week mark and my poor little man has hit another growth spurt! All Campbell is wanting is to be cuddled and eat. Its now 2 days in and all i'm wanting is for my little man to be happy and for me to get 5 minutes alone so that I can have a shower.

The worst bit is i feel so sorry for bubs, his little tears are heartbreaking. I have tried everything to settle him but all he wants in cuddles.

I guess at least he is still sleeping at night, 5 hours of bliss pity it is between the hours of 12 and 5am.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Campbell Ian Jinnette

Campbell Ian Jinnette

Born 25-3-10 at 8.30am
He weighed 7 pound 8 ounces and was 48.5cm long.

Labour was induced due to me being at risk of pre-eclampsia, lucky once labour started my blood pressure dropped back down to normal (low at some stage)

Labour lasted a total of 13.5 hours - With out Ryan and Kelly there i dont know how i would have made it.

The moment they put him on to my chest I was SO in love with this new little man in my life. Ryan was so amazing, and was instantly besotted with his new little man. In an instant we were a family....

Sunday, May 2, 2010

New Mum...

I thought i would start writing a blog to keep track of my ever growing little man, campbell.

i still cant believe he is over 1 month old. It still feels like yesterday i was sitting at the Ob being told that i was to go directly to the hospital to be induced. I couldn't believe that in a matter of hours (well 13 and a bit!!) i would be holding my little man, who made our family complete.

I love seeing Ry with campbell. They are both besotted with each other!
